If you discover a mold infestation in your home, it must be dealt with immediately. The types of mold that grow in a home are dangerous for people and animals. Black mold, in particular, is quite toxic and can cause serious health problems!
So, if you have mold, you want to call in a restoration company near Vancouver to remove it, right? Well… not exactly. What you’re really asking for is mold removal.
Here’s why that distinction is important.
What “Mold Removal” Means When You Call a Vancouver Home Restoration Company
The most important thing to understand about mold is that mold spores are everywhere. Molds are naturally present in both indoor and outdoor environments. With the exception of a sealed and sterilized room – like a medical laboratory – nothing can ever be 100% mold-free.
Otherwise, there will always be a certain amount of invisible microscopic mold spores floating around. Most of the time, they’re harmless. However, they do seek a cool, damp, dark place. When a mold spore lands in such a place, it begins to multiply – and quickly.
Unfortunately, homes often tend to have such places, especially if they’re not well maintained. The risk of mold increases considerably if the house has recently suffered water damage, such as flooding. If the house isn’t completely dried out by experts, it’s almost certain that a mold problem will develop.
So when you call in a Vancouver home restoration company for a mold problem, they’re not really looking to eliminate mold 100%. They’re simply looking to prune it until your home is safe again.
In addition to killing active mold, the company will carefully examine your property for mold sources. If there has been a recent flood, the source is easy to find. If not, they’ll work with you to uncover and eliminate areas of your home that are good mold incubators. By working on these specific areas, it’s much less likely that mold will grow back to the point of becoming dangerous again.
That, in a nutshell, is what mold removal is all about: Eliminating any major health threats, then working to inhibit mold growth in the future.
Since 1923, Malkin Cleaners has been one of Vancouver’s leading restoration companies. We’re fully equipped to clean up fire damage, dry out flooded or water-damaged homes, and control even dangerous black mold outbreaks. We’ll do everything we can to make your home livable, while repairing or eliminating sources of ongoing health threats.
If you discover a mold outbreak, contact us any time, day or night.